Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

Whole school parliament meeting 1

Welcome to the minutes from our first ever Whole School Parliament Meeting.

This took place on Friday 13th January 2017.

We are the leaders of Bussage School Parliament: Emily – Secretary; Caitlin – Prime Minister; and Josh – Deputy Prime Minister.










What happened in our first parliament meeting?

The purpose of the meeting was for each Ministry to feedback to us, the leaders of the Parliament, about what they have achieved so far in their Ministries as well as to inform us as to what their plans are for the rest of the academic year.

Learning Ministry:

For learning detective ministry the elected spokesperson was Amaya, and she told us what learning detectives have done and will do:

Targets Tasks
To assess how well the children are able to reflect on their learning Audit of Learning Journals in KS2

Talk to selection of pupils about their Learning Journals

Report findings back to school

To investigate the impact of the Class Environment and displays on the learning of the children Plan a Learning Walk around the school thinking about things to look for and questions to ask.

Learning Walk around the school focusing on display.

Answering key questions about how LEARNING is reflected in the class.

Talk to selection of pupils about their Learning Environment

Report findings back to school

To observe lessons with a focus on Learning Powers and how they are used 2nd round of lesson observations to include a Y5/6 Learning Detective to look specifically at Learning Power in the classroom and report back to official observer.
To compare the use of Learning Power in a different setting Visit organized to Rodborough Primary School.

Activities planned and then carried out.

To organize a whole school questionnaire into Learning Power Questionnaire designed, printed and distributed.

Questionnaires collected, collated and information shared with whole school.









Eco ministry:

The spokesperson for Eco Ministry was Rhys, he reported the following. In the Autumn term we…

  • Switch Off Fortnight – We made posters to get people to remember to turn off electrical equipment and checked it was happening. When we entered our results we had saved 2KW of electricity per day!

  • Logo competition – We introduced the idea for the competition to design a logo for the Erasmus + project. We collected entries and judged the competition.

  • Erasmus + project – Took photos of our school environment for the participants to see.

  • Recycling – Wrote to Chalford Hill to find out about their recycling for money project. We are still waiting for their Eco

Club to get in touch.

This term we aim to…

  • Save water – Take part in the Severn Trent water saving project

  • Take part in the Gloucestershire Wildlife competition

  • Plant wild flower seeds out at the edge of the field – make signs to make sure everyone knows the flowers are for the insects.

  • Take part in Waste Week

  • Decide on a way to compost more fruit and vegetable waste in school

Targets Tasks

Develop the recycling of fruit and vegetable waste

Need to decide on a way to compost fruit and vegetable waste

Find out about running more recycling projects

Find out if there are opportunities buying things made from recycled materials

Take part in Waste Week

Energy: Make people aware of turning off electrical devices when the rooms are not in use


Make posters

Take part in switch off fortnight

Biodiversity: Attract a variety of insects to the school Create a Bug Hotel

Place the wooden bug house from Mrs Austin

Plant wild flower seeds at the bottom of the field

Global: To raise awareness of how we can have a positive impact on the environment. Take part in the Erasmus project – Second Chance for Environment










Charity Ministry:

For Charity Ministry, Claudia was elected to be spokesperson for the meeting. She explained the planned events for fund raising for this year.

Targets Tasks
To organise events to raise money for various charities throughout the year. Children in Need- November 2016

Organise the day and events

  • Dress up in spots £1
  • Bandana competition
  • Cake sale
Christmas Toy Appeal- Salvation Army- Nov/Dec 2016
Christmas Jumper Day- December 2016

Children to wear Christmas Jumpers for £1

Comic Relief- march 2017

Theme to be decided

Christmas Plays/nativity/Y3,4,5 Play

Donations for chosen charities

Other Charity events to be decided…











Values Ambassadors:

For Values Ambassadors Daisy  in year 6 was elected to be spokesperson. She told us that they proudly lead the Harvest service and have done many assembles in a variety of classes in kS1 and in whole school assemblies. Also, they showed the church visitors around the school which they are very proud of. For the future, they are going to do more assembles for kS1 as well as whole school assemblies.

Targets Tasks
To consolidate and increase pupil-led worship Values Ambassadors lead assemblies
To assess the impact of collective worship Values Ambassadors lead pupil conferencing about collective worship
To assess the impact of RE Values Ambassadors lead pupil conferencing about RE
To assess the impact of Values Values Ambassadors lead pupil conferencing about the impact of Values on the school community
