Mad About Minibeasts!

This term our theme is ‘Mad about Minibeasts’.

Rainbows class have been busy learning at home through Mrs Edwards’ daily challenges.

Learning began with building a bug house in our gardens.

bug hotel 1 bug hotel 2











Going on a bug hunt and writing a list of what we found.

bug hunt 1
bug hunt 2
 bug hunt 3













We’ve made clay minibeasts.

clay 1 clay 2











Drawn story maps for the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

story map 2 The very hungry caterpillar 2









We even made healthy hungry caterpillars using healthy food to create our snacks.

The very hungry caterpillar 1 The very hungry caterpillar 3







Rainbows class and their families have been doing a super job of joining in with the theme and learning together. We are so proud of you all.