On the Move – Autumn 2018

Well. it’s been an exciting start to the new school year in Class Two!

We began our new theme with a fun afternoon outside testing out which forces are used to move ourselves or different equipment, making use of the Trim Trail, Adventure playground and lots of PE resources.IMG_5204 IMG_5205 IMG_5207 IMG_5208 IMG_5209 IMG_5211 IMG_5215 IMG_5220


We also had a brilliant day where the children brought in their bikes, scooters or skateboards and had lots of fun riding them around the playground or the roundabout. We thought carefully about how the ‘pushing’ force was the main way we made our vehicles move.


Our PE this term is run by Atlas Sports and we are concentrating on improving our Gymnastics skills through playing lots of fun games and activities.

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We are looking forward to enjoying lots of interesting activities and learning experiences as the term goes on.