Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

Blood, Bones and Body Bits 2024

Body boxes 

Class 5 really enjoyed their day today making their body boxes. They planned the boxes by thinking about what organs to include, their texture and colour. Throughout the day they made the organs using a range of material and all added a special feature to them. 

Explorer Dome 

Year five entered the explorer dome last week to experience what happens during digestion. They watched the process of how food gets broken down and followed the journey of the food into the stomach then the intestines. After the food was broken down and all the nutrients were absorbed, we continued our journey into a cell where we were transformed into energy for us to be active. 

This visit was a great experience to see why digestion is so important. 



Mental Health week 

During Mental health week the children got to experience many different things. They listened to a talk from Young Minds Matter, completed some relaxing yoga, enjoyed an afternoon of Forest school, and took part in a Samba drumming workshop. 

These are just some photos the children spotted during Forest school from a different perspective other than a human’s, for example, an ant. 


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Welcome back! 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the rest. 

This term our theme is Blood, Bones and Body bits where we will learn about our bodies and how they work. 

I look forward to posting about the children’s learning during this this term. 


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Class Five 2023-2024

Stroud High School Festival of Learning

Today the children ventured out to SHS to explore what Music, Science and Art are like in secondary school. First lesson we had Art and the aim was to use cool coloured oil pastels to make snowmen look 3D. Next we had Music, we used a variety of instruments to play and sing “In the Jungle” which we all performed at the end of the day. Finally, our last stop was Science where the children got to explore looking at different things under a microscope. 

What a wonderful day out it was! 


Stroud High School Lessons

Since September, Class 5 have enjoyed experiencing different lessons taught by a variety of teachers from Stroud High School. They have completed Modern Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science and Music. During these sessions, everybody has been incredibly enthusiastic and shown great enjoyment. 

This Wednesday (22.11.23) is our last session of music before venturing over to Stroud High to experience a full day of fun activities.

Here are some pictures from our musical session last week.

Garage Band – Ipad music technology

Year 5 have completed their second week of composition in music working on ipads. They are exploring a range of styles and functions through garage band and loving every moment of it. We can’t wait to see what their final pieces sound like when they are completed and we thank the PTA for paying for this fabulous opportunity for the class.

GWSR Trip. The life of an evacuee.

Today Year 5 took a trip to the GWSR railway where they had the chance to experience what life was like for an evacuee during the war. 

They entered a classroom and listened to a talk from a teacher about all the important information they should know as an evacuee. They discussed blackout blinds, different toys, gas masks, rationing, the warden and Anderson Shelters. After this, they had some time to interact with the games, clothes, recipe books and other household items. 

Just as we left the building the air raid siren began. We all safely entered the air raid shelter and waited for all the planes, which we could hear, to pass over. 

Once it was safe to leave the air raid shelter, we entered a carriage where we watched two different experiences from those who were evacuated as a child. 

This was all before lunchtime! We now got to experience riding on a steam train where the children had been given information on how to spot a spy. Bussage could not believe it when a spy had been spotted, they dropped an interesting message which was quickly scooped up by the group and given to an adult. Our task was to make sure that he was secured by the guards. His attempt to escape at Cheltenham station was quickly prevented by the fast work of both Mrs Hawksbee and Mrs Weaver.

To finish off our exciting trip, the class learnt about fire fighting during the war and the pumps that were used to stop the fires. They had to pump the water from the buckets so that they could spray the water out of the hose and fill up the bucket. 

What a day we had!

Evacuate Evacuate 2023

Welcome back Class 5!
I can hear the air raid siren warning us it is the end of summer. I am really looking forward to teaching you all this year.

This terms theme is a History-based theme about World War 2.

Copesgrove Farm trip

There is no better way to start back after the half term than a trip to Copesgrove Farm.

We began the trip sitting around the campfire, making our toasted marshmallow smores before setting off to complete our activities. This time Class Five were building their teamwork and communication skills in circus-themed activities, including tightrope making, walking the plank, blindfolded trust walk, tennis ball runs, and making clown faces on trees.

It was great to see how everyone worked together to complete each challenge they were set.

We ended a lovely day with freshly popped popcorn to give us energy for our long walk back!

Circus workshop 2023

This week, Class Five had the opportunity to experience a circus workshop. In the morning, the children watched Tom perform the circus tricks they would be learning, before they gave it all a go.
They experienced: juggling, diablo, scarf juggling, balance trikes, feather balancing, practice unicycle, and tightrope!
The class thoroughly enjoyed it and everyone got stuck in! What a great day it was!


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Toulouse Lautrec posters

This half term the children have been looking at vintage posters and taking inspiration from Toulouse Lautrec. They have all produced some really thought-out posters using water colours and fine liners.

News report English- Roll up Roll up

This term class five has been looking at Philippe Petit and his famous stunt where he walks between the twin towers. The children have been using their imagination to put themselves in the shoes of The news reader, the reporter, Philippe Petit himself, and a police officer.
Their goal was to write a script for the news that day and then perform this in front of the class. Everyone worked so hard and produced fantastic reports and interviews.

Roll up! Roll up!

Welcome back year 5! 

This terms theme is Roll up, roll up- a circus based theme. 

We have lots of exciting things planned for the term including a trip to Copesgrove Farm to develop our orienteering and circus skills, and a circus workshop day where we will watch a show and learn more circus skills. 

I look forward to learning with everyone this term!
